Sunday, February 26, 2012


I run DTS run from the VB6 using SHELL, when i run each time new process is invoking and previous process is not closing. bcz. of this lot of memory is taking and my system is hanging. pls. help me how to resolve this.
Thank You all
D. Shyam Benagal
Inspira TechnologiesA bit more information would be helpful:

1. Is the VB6 app running on the same machine as the SQL Server? or is it a different client?

2. Have you considered using SQL Agent to schedule and run the DTS package?

3. Does the prior instance of the DTS package actually terminate and finish its actions? or is it still running when the next instance pops up?

Also pls include some information regarding what the DTS package is doing, what tables/procs it references.


Hugh Scott

Originally posted by SHYAM
I run DTS run from the VB6 using SHELL, when i run each time new process is invoking and previous process is not closing. bcz. of this lot of memory is taking and my system is hanging. pls. help me how to resolve this.
Thank You all
D. Shyam Benagal
Inspira Technologies|||Thank's for u r reply Hugh Scott. That problem is rectified (some memory leak in the Pakage)


Originally posted by hmscott

A bit more information would be helpful:

1. Is the VB6 app running on the same machine as the SQL Server? or is it a different client?

2. Have you considered using SQL Agent to schedule and run the DTS package?

3. Does the prior instance of the DTS package actually terminate and finish its actions? or is it still running when the next instance pops up?

Also pls include some information regarding what the DTS package is doing, what tables/procs it references.


Hugh Scott|||what's the sql server version?

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