Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Employees'. "
for the following code..i cant seem to find the error in the code.
'data adapter
Dim dAdapt As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
'create a command object
Dim objCommand As New SqlClient.SqlCommand
'command builder
Dim builder As SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder
'connection string
Dim cnStr As String = "Data Source=ELEARN-FRM-BETA;Initial Catalog=StudentPlayGround;Integrated Security=True"
Dim cnObj As New SqlConnection(cnStr)
Dim ds As DataSet
Dim courseID As Integer
Dim courseName As String
Dim desc As String
Dim maxT As Integer
Dim sql As StringBuilder
Dim cmdTxt As String
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not IsPostBack Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub BindData()
End Sub
Private Sub connect()
objCommand.Connection = cnObj
'query string
Dim query As String = "SELECT * from StudentPlayground..Courses"
'setting the select command
dAdapt.SelectCommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(query, objCommand.Connection)
ds = New DataSet("Course Listings")
dAdapt.Fill(ds, "Courses")
End Sub
Protected Sub submitButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles submitButton1.Click
courseID = CInt(CType(FindControl("TextBox1"), TextBox).Text)
courseName = CType(FindControl("TextBox2"), TextBox).Text
desc = CType(FindControl("Textbox3"), TextBox).Text
maxT = CInt(CType(FindControl("TextBox4"), TextBox).Text)
REM Build our parameterized insert statement
sql = New StringBuilder("INSERT INTO Courses ")
sql.Append("VALUES (@.courseID,@.courseName,@.desc,@.maxT)")
cmdTxt = sql.ToString
REM Add parameter values to command
REM Parameters used to protect DB from SQL injection attacks
With objCommand.Parameters
.AddWithValue("@.courseID", courseID)
.AddWithValue("@.courseName", courseName)
.AddWithValue("@.desc", desc)
.AddWithValue("@.maxT", maxT)
End With
objCommand.CommandText = cmdTxt
objCommand.Connection = cnObj
REM Now execute the statement
submitButton1.Text = "Record Added!"
End Sub
Well in that particular listing, I don't see any insert into an Employees table. Are you familiar with the PK_Employees primary key constraint in your schema? What table does it exist on (my guess is employees) and on what colum(s) is it on?
I would look at what is going on when the one insert shown above does occur. Are there any triggers entering info that violates this constraint?
If not, I would reanalyze and make sure this is really the section of code causing this problem.
|||checkout whick table has this primary key defined 'pk_employees' (if u r not aware , use the syskeys system table to get that info) . ur code may be adding (repeating)values to that table either directly or thru a trigger.....try to resolve it from there|||My Apologies...the error is Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Courses'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Courses'. This is on the CourseID column in the table Courses. there r no triggers on this table.
aThe strange thing is even though this error record is still getting inserted correctly in the db. Also this is the ONLY code-beind code present for this page. I just left out the import statements and classdefinition in my post.
|||The PK constraint error is thrown because of a duplicate "value" (Course) not key attempting to insert into the table.
You can sloppily add On Error Resume Next into your so you don't see the server side errors, or you check for dupes before you insert records.
|||there are no duplicate courses inthe table..i try and add new unique courses each time and experience the error.|||Do you have a concatenated key or one primary key?
I've experienced similar errors using concatenation and had to remove all constraints and add one key at a time, then one record at a time until I found the error.
|||just one primary key on the id field. thats it. no triggers.|||1. Remove the key - drop the constraint (sp_helpconstraint)
2. Relocate the records
3. Recreate the key
4. Re-import the records
When in doubt, resort to the basics.
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