I am building a DTS package, to read a IIS Log files into SQL-Server database file through a DTS package.
It is runing smooth, but sometimes the Log file include some CR LF, unexpected text,...etc so the DTS package can't read the fields perfectly and it fails, and I recieve an error.
I am up to use ActiveX Script in VBScript language to have more control over the flow of the transformation of the data operation.
Now, how can I use the DTSTransformationSTATUS constants to make my loops and check the different source fields?
I will appreciate an examples that control the folow of the Transformation of a TEXT file.
Thank you for your help in advance.
KhalidHow big are the log files ? What are the patterns to these hiccups ? Have you thought about writing a small app(vb,perl) that corrects the file first then use dts to import the file - you could actually make this a part of your dts package (calling the app) ?|||The log files are 50 MB to 60 MB in size.
About writing an Application to correct the log file, this is exactuly what I am up to, and since DTS is providing a powerful tools through VBScript or VBJScript to have more control over the Transformation process, I have decided to use these tools.
There are some constants such as DTSTransformationSTATUS_Error, DTSTransformationSTATUS_ErrorInfo,.. etc . These constants can be used to control the flow of the Transformation process and to handle the errors if any.
I need an example using these constants to make things more clear for me to build my own application.
Do you have any idea about these constants?
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