Wednesday, March 7, 2012

DTSRun Utility Wont

I have been successful at setting up three or four DTS packages to run
using the DTSrun command line utility and the Windows scheduler until
now. The latest package gives me the following error no matter what I

Error: -2147217355 (80041035); Provider Error: 0 (0)
Error string: General error -2147217355 (80041035).
Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package
Help file: sqldts80.hlp
Help context: 705

I googled the error but got only two hits, only one of which actually
discussed the error. That one talked about the security and ID context
of the system agent but I can't even run the package from the command
line, never mind using the Windows chron. The DTS command line I'm
using looks like this:

DTSRun /S MyServer\Instance /R DBName /N MyDTSPacakgeName /E

Variations included /U MyUserName /P MyPassWord and a couple others.
Next step would have been to use /!Y and /!C to create an encoded batch
file to use for the Windows scheduler.
Any help would be most appreciated.
RandyCan you run the DTS package from the designer (hopefully on the same
machine)? Just seeing if the error might be internal to the package.

Stu|||Runs like a champ from designer. Won't run scheduled from Enterprise
Manager, whether on a client machine or directly on the server and
won't run from a command line.|||And you can run other packages this same way? That would certainly
rule out any permissions problems, but I'm drawing a blank as to what's
going on.

Stu|||Exactly. I have one other package that runs every night but it's been
running for three or four months now. I have another package that I ran
one time last weekend using Windows scheduler again with no problem.
This third package needs to run every day from now on but I can't get
it to run from a command line which is the first step I take toward
building a batch file for scheduler.
And there are VERY few references to the error using Google, which
surprised me.

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